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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
Consolidated statements of financial position
Consolidated statements of changes in equity
Consolidated statements of cash flows
Notes to Financial Statements
General information
Significant accounting policies
Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions
Operating segments
Other income
Other operating expenses
Finance expense
Income tax expense
Cash and cash equivalents
Other receivables
Mining hardware prepayments
Prepayments and other assets
Property, plant and equipment
Right-of-use assets
Goodwill and impairment
Borrowings and lease liabilities
Trade and other payables
Issued capital
Earnings per share
Financial instruments
Fair value measurement
Interests in subsidiaries
Reconciliation of loss after income tax to net cash from/(used in) operating activities
Non-cash investing and financing activities
Contingent Liabilities
Share-based payments
Related party transactions
Key management personnel disclosures
Events after the reporting period
Accounting Policies
Significant accounting policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Significant accounting policies (Tables)
Operating segments (Tables)
Other income (Tables)
Depreciation (Tables)
Other operating expenses (Tables)
Finance expense (Tables)
Income tax expense (Tables)
Cash and cash equivalents (Tables)
Other receivables (Tables)
Mining hardware prepayments (Tables)
Prepayments and other assets (Tables)
Property, plant and equipment (Tables)
Right-of-use assets (Tables)
Goodwill and impairment (Tables)
Borrowings and lease liabilities (Tables)
Provisions (Tables)
Trade and other payables (Tables)
Issued capital (Tables)
Reserves (Tables)
Earnings per share (Tables)
Financial instruments (Tables)
Commitments (Tables)
Interests in subsidiaries (Tables)
Reconciliation of loss after income tax to net cash from/(used in) operating activities (Tables)
Non-cash investing and financing activities (Tables)
Share-based payments (Tables)
Key management personnel disclosures (Tables)
Notes Details
General information (Details)
Significant accounting policies, Going Concern (Details)
Significant accounting policies, Revenue and Other Income Recognition and Property, Plant and Equipment (Details)
Operating segments, Reportable Operating Segments and Major Customers (Details)
Operating segments, Geographical information (Details)
Other income (Details)
Depreciation (Details)
Other operating expenses (Details)
Finance expense (Details)
Income tax expense, Reconciliation at Statutory Tax Rate (Details)
Income tax expense, Income Tax Expense (Details)
Income tax expense, Unrecognized Deferred Tax Assets (Details)
Income tax expense, Movement in Deferred Tax Balances (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents (Details)
Other receivables (Details)
Mining hardware prepayments (Details)
Prepayments and other assets (Details)
Property, plant and equipment, Consolidated (Details)
Property, plant and equipment, Reconciliations of Written Down Values (Details)
Right-of-use assets, Information (Details)
Right-of-use assets, Reconciliations (Details)
Goodwill and impairment, Information (Details)
Goodwill and impairment, Reconciliations of Goodwill Balance (Details)
Goodwill and impairment, Reconciliations of Impairment of Assets (Details)
Borrowings and lease liabilities, Components of Borrowings (Details)
Borrowings and lease liabilities, Summary (Details)
Borrowings and lease liabilities, Reconciliation of Lease Liabilities (Details)
Provisions (Details)
Trade and other payables (Details)
Issued capital, Ordinary shares (Details)
Issued capital, Movements in Ordinary Share Capital (Details)
Issued capital, Summary (Details)
Reserves (Details)
Dividends (Details)
Earnings per share (Details)
Financial instruments, Foreign Currency Risk (Details)
Financial instruments, Sensitivity Analysis (Details)
Financial instruments, Price Risk (Details)
Financial Instruments, Liquidity Risk (Details)
Fair value measurement (Details)
Commitments (Details)
Interests in subsidiaries (Details)
Reconciliation of loss after income tax to net cash from/(used in) operating activities (Details)
Non-cash investing and financing activities (Details)
Share-based payments, Employee Share Plan (Details)
Share-based payments, 2021 Executive Director Liquidity and Price Target Options (Details)
Share-based payments, $75 Exercise Price Options (Details)
Share-based payments, 2022 Long-Term Incentive Plan Restricted Stock Units (Details)
Share-based payments, Reconciliation of Outstanding Share Options (Details)
Share-based payments, Reconciliation of Outstanding RSUs (Details)
Share-based payments, Measuring Fair Value of Arrangements Granted (Details)
Related party transactions (Details)
Key management personnel disclosures, Directors and Key Management (Details)
Key management personnel disclosures, Compensation (Details)
Key management personnel disclosures, Movement in Options and RSUs Outstanding Issued to Directors and Other Members of KMP (Details)
Events after the reporting period (Details)
All Reports